Drill Team

Drill Team is an activity that teaches cadets various drill movements. The importance of learning drill movements is paramount, as military marching remains the basis of any cadet organization. Refining each movement and learning to march uniformly as one unit are the key elements of the drill team.

The Drill Team is aimed mainly at those who like choreography, who have sharp memory and who have a very good personal discipline. It is a military marching exercise where rotations, counter-march and change of formation join the alignment, the discipline, the lively gestures and still movements to make a unique choreography.

Each year, there is a competition between different squadrons and cadet corps that register. Teams are made up between 15-22 cadets and they must memorize a movement sequence to do a choreography without command and they must learn another sequence of movement with voice commands to execute all drill movements without errors and of course while maintaining the precision, the speed of execution of the movements, the alignment and the timing. 

Weekly schedule

  • Location: 555 Maple Leaf Squadron or another location (Check calendar)
  • When: Saturdays.
  • Time: From 01:00 pm to 03:00 pm.