Weekly Messages: January 15 2025

Training night


Level 1-2 Green uniform C5

Level 3-5: C1

Hello Mr./Ms.

Cadet games

Here is all the information for the cadets taking part in the cadet games. The activity ends at 8.30pm
Location: Cégep du vieux Montréal (255 ontario E.)
Time: Cadets are expected at 2:00 p.m.

All other sports
Venue: Centresportif UQAM (1212 sanguinet)
Time:Cadets are expected at 8:00 a.m.

List of equipment to bring
Change of cloths
Suitable sports shoes
Cotton socks: 2 pairs
Equipment appropriate to the sport:
Soccer: MANDATORY shin pad and pair of gloves for goalkeeper
Badminton: MANDATORY Racket
Volleyball: Knee brace OPTIONAL
Elastic or strap for glasses;
Towel or face cloth
Water bottle
Medication if necessary;Lunch
Health insurance card

Dinner is on us!

If you are interested, please contact [email protected]

Check here for our weekly activities

Weekday activities

Our coordinates:
Adresse: 4171 Avenue de l’Esplanade, Montréal, QC, H2W 2T3
www: http://555mapleleaf.ca/
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 514-496-1984 Ext: 6641820